Volunteer Registration
First Name
Last Name
Are you 18 or older?
If you are younger than 18, how old are you?
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Who are you with? (church, organization, by yourself)
Please indicate which volunteer opportunities you are interested in. (You can select more than one.)
Provide food (cook burgers, order carry out, etc.)
Provide prizes for raffle (gift cards, electronics, etc.)
Provide prizes for festival games (toys, candy, and etc.)
Serve food
Set up (Saturday 5/18 6am-11am)
Clean Up (last shifts on Saturday and Sunday)
Lead a craft station (Saturday 5/18 11am-4pm)
Help with face painting (Saturday 5/18 11am-4pm)
Supervise the bounce house (Saturday 5/18 11am-4pm)
Provide entertainment during lunch on Saturday (sing, juggle, etc.)
Be a scorekeeper at the tournament
Work at the medical table
Adopt a nation
When would you like to volunteer? (You can select more than one.)
Saturday 5/18 6am-11am
Saturday 5/18 11am-4pm
Saturday 5/18 4pm-9pm
Sunday 5/19 8am-12pm
Sunday 5/19 12pm-4pm
Submit Form
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