Phone Number (If you live outside of Canada, we will use WhatsApp)
What's your biggest goal over the next year?
What types of challenges do you face in achieving your goals?
Have you ever worked with a coach or taken part in a coaching program? If so, what was most helpful? If not, would you be interested in working with a trusted advisor?
Do you already know that Amy is the right coach for you?
Amy offers Self Study Programs, Group Programs, and Private Concierge level Support (1k-50k) Are you ready to invest in yourself and your dreams to get support?
Yes I want to talk about options
Not willing to invest in myself. I want to do this solo.
Who are the decision makers in your family or business, to decide how much money to invest in your goals?
Me, Myself and I...I'm so the boss!
A domestic partner and myself
A business partner and myself
Myself...however I'm not decisive and can't make decisions (again- please come back at a later time- thanks!)
Should be Empty: