Listed below are the three (3) delivery modes of Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® program including Community-based, School-based, and Classroom with a brief overview.
School-based programs are one-day, in-person experiences for children that take place during the typical school day. The PAF Safety Day Coordinator selects the grades, the number of classes and/or schools to reach, and the lessons/topic areas offered. School-based programs may be held directly at the school, or the participants may be transported to another location (i.e., a local farm, park, fairgrounds, etc.).
Community-based programs are one-day, in-person experiences open to anyone in the community within the targeted age and geographical area chosen by the PAF Safety Day Coordinator. These programs can welcome children of varying ages along with their families, offering both youth and adult sessions. This delivery mode typically occurs on weekends, in the evenings, or on weekdays during the summer months when children are out of school. In addition, the program can happen in conjunction with other events, such as a local fair, agricultural awareness events, etc.
Classroom-based programs take place directly inside the classroom during the academic year. The PAF Safety Day coordinator arranges for multiple sessions (minimum of 4) focusing on one lesson/topic per visit. This delivery mode requires less volunteer support, has specific topics that incorporate STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education, and evaluation tools to accompany each lesson. Students participate in age-appropriate educational activities at the comfort of their desks inside their classroom. A hands-on, durable resource kit is provided to assist with the activities and demonstrations.
Safety Zone programs are offered in conjunction with another community, regional, or state-level event (i.e., County or State Fair, Festival, Expo, etc.). A Safety Zone delivery mode will welcome children of varying ages and offers a condensed version of a PAF Safety Day community-based program. PAF Safety Day Coordinators (along with their volunteers or planning committees) will identify and select a minimum of four (4) safety or health stations to offer, with each station lasting 3 to 5 minutes (compared to 15-20 minutes per station at community or school-based program). Participants will be rewarded with a special item following completion of their designated number of stations.