The ABSOLUTE deadline for Convention vouchers is June 21.
WSSRA must have all vouchers from this fiscal year paid by June 30.
The Unit President or Treasurer is responsible for submitting the blue voucher for reimbursement. All drivers and riders must be listed in the spaces provided.
As a co-sharing of travel costs, reimbursement for round trip mileage is authorized for reimbursement at two or more to a car.
Vouchers must be submitted by Unit Presidents/Treasurer with the claimant being the local Unit. Checks will be sent to the Unit Treasurer. (Local Units may distribute these reimbursements among drivers which were authorized by Local Units to provide the needed transportation.)
These members should not be listed on this voucher unless they are listed as carpool drivers or riders and are not submitting any other voucher for carpool reimbursement.
Expenses for the following are paid by WSSRA:
State Officers
District Representatives
WSSRA Historian
State (not Unit) Committee Chairs
Working Committee members (Awards, Nominating & Review, Rules & Resolutions)
WSSRA staff members
Each WSSRA Past-president will have registration and meals paid by WSSRA if s/he chooses to vote as a WSSRA Past-president.
Hotel accommodations for registered convention attendees that can only attend the last day of Convention for the break-out sessions, may be reimbursed for one night of lodging, based on double occupancy, for those persons who travel more than 150 miles each way.