SIMD in Julia
Julia Computing Webinar
When: Thursday 24 March 2022, 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Eastern Time (US)
Where: Online
SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) is a term for when the processor executes the same instruction (like addition) on multiple numbers (data) in one instruction. Recent processor architectures come with the capability of running these SIMD instructions on even larger batches of data, making it quite important to make sure that SIMD is used when possible, for best performance. Julia has many ways to take advantage of SIMD, sometimes it happens automatically, as an optimization, but it is also possible to manually write SIMD code. This workshop will give an overview of the different ways you can use SIMD in Julia.
The Webinar is led by Julia Computing's Kristoffer Carlsson. Kristoffer is a long-time contributor to Julia, PackageCompiler.jl, the Julia package manager and debugger.