Your Leadership Jessamine County experience will follow a basic format of day-sessions after the initial orientation and retreat. The outline is meant to be a general guideline of each day and will give each participant an idea of topical concentration and scope of the particular areas to be covered. It is not meant to be a total curriculum but merely an overview. As such, it may evolve to include timely matters or to take advantage of specific events that may lend to the overall leadership educational experience.
The entire program serves up a multitude of benefits, from individual education to team-oriented training and learning. Class members will be called upon to actively participate in each session and in outside learning opportunities that challenge them to become involved in our community. It is, therefore, extremely important to recognize that commitment to the program is crucial due to the participation and team-building nature of leadership.
Employer sponsors, and individuals who self-sponsor, should be able to give the time necessary so results are full and meaningful. Orientation, the retreat and the challenge course are mandatory events. Each day-session is considered as two blocks and class attendance will be strictly monitored.
Participants may miss a maximum of three blocks before being dropped from the class. Tuition is non-refundable. Once dropped, the participant may be considered for re-enrollment the following year.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
We’ll get together for a couple of hours so you can meet your fellow class participants, learn the guidelines and expectations for involvement in the program, and receive additional details regarding the retreat, program schedule and activities.
August 25, 2022
The class will participate in physical and mental challenges designed to foster problem-solving, team-building, communication, conflict management and decision-making skills. The course is designed to assist participants to emerge with more effective leadership skills, while also encouraging greater cohesion within the group
September 15-16, 2022
The retreat is a good opportunity to learn about yourself and your classmates in an experiential and interactive way. Participants will get to know their classmates, participate in team-building and problem-solving activities, complete a personality profile to determine strengths and weaknesses and analyze their profile in order to optimize interaction with others. You will also begin planning a class project that will allow you and your teammates to put your talents to work for the community. Great food, fun and fellowship are always a part of this getaway!
October 13, 2022
By touring various historic sites throughout the county, you will step back in time to discover the past in Jessamine County. Learn about its history and heritage from county historians, tour historic sites and visit landmarks. Possible stops include Camp Nelson, High Bridge and a ride on the Shaker Village River cruise to name a few.
November 3, 2022
The class will spend the morning with our Youth Leadership Jessamine County class, getting to know them and both groups will share advice and discuss ways all generations can have an impact on each other and our community. The afternoon of the day will be focused on a wide variety of non-profit and community service organizations in Jessamine County. Some of these may include the Health Department, the Jessamine County Public Library, the Cooperative Extension, the Jessamine County Food Pantry, Revive Ministries and AdventureServe
December 8, 2022
This day is dedicated to learning about the various businesses and industries that fuel the Jessamine County economy. Workforce development and its effects on the entire community are focused on by touring the facilities of some of the county’s major employers.
TUESDAY, January 17, 2023
The role and function of Nicholasville, Wilmore and Jessamine County governing bodies and the services they provide are this day’s focus. You will visit city/county facilities and offices and participate in conversations with county leaders and elected officials to find out where our county has come from and where they envision it in the future. This day will conclude with the Fiscal Court Meeting - which will count as one (1) of your required meetings.
February 9, 2023
On this day, you will travel to Frankfort to tour the Kentucky State Capitol, visit the Legislature, meet with lobbyists and elected officials and learn about how our state government operates and impacts us at the local level.
March 9, 2023
Some of the best educational opportunities in the state are right here in Jessamine County! Visits to educational institutions in our community, will include all levels of the local school district as well as Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary. Throughout the day, statistical information, philosophy, goals and operational information will be shared to give the class an in-depth look at how our community learns and grows.
April 13, 2023
This day is spent with the men and women who work to keep us safe and learning the facts about how our community fights crime, prepares for disasters and responds to emergencies. The day includes a police tactical demonstration, a tour of the emergency operations center and a visit to the county jail, fire and sheriff’s departments.
May 11, 2023
This day will be spent in the great outdoors by traveling to beautiful locations in rural Jessamine County. Possible agenda items include visits to cattle and tobacco farms, a working horse farm, and the Bluegrass Sportsman’s League. Learn the value of the agricultural industries to our county currently, formation in the past, what it means for our future and why “what nature has given us” is worth preserving!
June 8, 2023
We will gather, along with city and county officials, other invited guests and a keynote speaker, to celebrate your completion of the Leadership Jessamine County experience as you become alumni of the Class of 2023!
Please note...
*Orientation will occur in the evening on August 16, 2022.
*The Leadership Retreat requires an overnight stay.
*Local Government Day will be on a Tuesday.
*Graduation will occur the evening of June 8, 2023.