Please read, date and provide your signature on the next pages Terms & Conditions I hereby agree and give my permission for:
*All applicants must be over the age of 18. Children wishing to participate must have a legal parent or guardian apply as the "vendor". The parent/guardian must have all forms in their name, and be present, supervising at all times during the market.
Consent to Photograph /Videotape / Interview Individuals Asset Development and/or partners to record, film, photograph, audiotape or videotape myself (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Works”) and to display, publish or distribute these Works for the purpose of publishing, posting on the Here to There Market Events Inc. website and posting on social media sites. I hereby waive any right to approve the use of these Works now or in the future, whether the use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to any royalties related to the use of these Works. I understand that the Works may appear in electronic form on the internet or in other publications outside of the Rise Asset Development’s control. I agree that I will not hold the Here to There Market Events Inc. group responsible for any harm that may arise from such unauthorized reproduction.
Booth/Space Agreement :
General: Vendors spots will be asigned. We are unable to accommodate requests. Only 2 spaces have access to hydro, once filled anyone needing hydro will need to bring their own generator. Full season vendors will have a permanent location that will not change. All other vendors will rotate within the available spaces weekly and will be emailed weekly with their locations.
Arrival: For everyone's safety, all vehicles must be parked and out of the shopping area by 7:45am. Any vendors that are unablet to arrive in time may still be allowed to set up at Here To There Market Events Inc's discretion, based on reason for lateness and arrival time. Vendors will need to contact HTTME and arrange alternate parking away from the event and carrying their belongings on foot to set up in their assigned space.
Leaving Early: Vendors must be present at their booths for the whole event. The road is closed during the market and no cars are able to exit the market before 1pm for any reason. Vendors must ensure they have someone available to stay at their booth if the vendor needs to leave early. Any vendor that packs up or leaves early will not be invited back and forfeits any future dates booked. Vendors who have booked for multiple dates will not be issued a refund for any future dates lost.
Management of Booth: Vendors will not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allocated to them. An employee/volunteer of the vendor may manage the booth with the vendors original agreed upon inventory. If a vendor is unable to be present for any portion of the event, please contact Here to There Market Events.
Space Dimensions: Spaces are be 10ft x 10ft, with the option of upgrading to 20ft x 10ft or 30ft x 10ft. Displays must not protrude beyond the measured booth dimensions. Vendors may use additional space behind their tents (if space is available) for additional storage. Vendors may also use the office within the ACC building for additional storage, however the office is open and not monitored. Nothing may be left in the office after each market day.
Tents: Tents are not mandatory, however all vendors are strongly recommended to have an appropriate size tent to shelter from elements, as there will be no cancellation for rain/wind etc.
The market is outdoors and shade/shelter is not available. Vendors need to have appropriate protection for their booths, ie: tent sides, if needed for goods that can be damaged by sun or rain.
Additionally, all vendors will need to bring their own table, table cloth, chairs and any other display items they may need. Limited tents and tables are available to rent weekly.
Payment & Refunds Policy
General: Payment will be due within 4 business days of acceptance. For daily vendors, payment is due 1 full week prior to your intended participation date. I understand that I am holding a space which means similar vendors may be turned away, so reservations are non refundable once application has been approved and payment submitted. Transfer of dates for Monthly or Daily vendors may be possible, at Here To There Market Events Inc.'s discretion, but is not guarunteed.
Here to There Market Events will not be held responsible or expected to issue refunds, discounts or compensation for lack of public interest.
Any misconduct by the vendor towards Here to There Market Events, public or fellow vendors, including but not limited to bullying or slander, will result in the vendor being removed from the event, forfeiting their space. No refunds or credit will be available.
Registration: Monthly or Daily Vendors may request to add additional dates without needing to resubmit an application. Vendors who have been pre-approved by Public Health and want to add dates on notice of less than 7 days will make payment immediately upon recieving their invoice.
Weather/Natural Disasters/Unforseen Events: The weather during outdoor markets can be unpredictable. If a market day is canceled within 48 hours prior to start or during the active market, due to reasons beyond Here to There Market Events Inc.'s control, no refunds will be issued. This includes: acts of God, Government decree, COVID-19/pandemic/natural disasters, severe weather, including severe rain downpour, or any legal authority. Please note that every effort will be made to operate the market each week and the market will not close for rain unless it is acompanied by lightning. If a market has started vendors will be consulted on whether they feel safe to continue. Vendors may also leave their tents and shelter within the ACC building until the severe weather has past.
If the event is canceled by Here to There Market Events for any reasons that do not fall into the above mentioned paragraph, we will at that time only, offer refunds for the day of cancellation.
Health and Safety - Any vendor selling food products will be required to apply to the health department for approval. Commercial/market kitchens must be used for food preparation. Food prepared in home kitchens will not be permitted. Vendors will not receive refunds for non compliance.
Everyone selling food items must complete the Farmers Market Application form from the Region of Waterloo Public Health (ideally done 30 days prior to attending the Market). This will be emailed to you after payment has been made.
All vendors handling food products must maintain a high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness and abide by the appropriate health and safety regulations.
All products being sold at the market must comply with applicable Provincial and Federal regulations regarding labeling, measures, health and safety, etc. Vendors are responsible for obtaining any and all required licenses, permits, inspections and certification for the products they will be selling.
If you need help with any of the above, please reach out and we will be happy to help direct you as needed.
Vendors agree to leave the space clean and tidy after each market day.
COVID-19/Pandemics/Government Decrees - Here To There Market Events Inc. anticipates that there will be no restrictions during this market season, but I understand that Here to There Market Events Inc. is required to follow the guidelines provided by the local health unit and is not able to make exceptions or exemptions if anything should arrise.
Insurance - This event is held on Township Property, therefore vendors will need to present liability insurance coverage of $2,000,000.00 listing Here To There Market Events Inc and The Township of North Dumfries as an additional insurer. This will need to be submitted before the vendor is allowed to set up on site. Here To There Market Events Inc. will register the event with an online insurance provider for anyone that does not have their own insurance. Please wait until you receive your insurance email before submitting your paperwork.
Please ensure you are able to provide safe food handling certification if requested before or during the event.
Indemnification - Here to There Market Events Inc, their officers and directors, employees, contractors, agents, sponsors and/or the property owner shall not be responsible for injury, loss, expense or damage to persons, goods, equipment or decor, caused by accident, or any other cause, either directly or indirectly including prior to the event, during the event or following the event. This includes any injury, loss or damage to persons, goods, equipment or decor, which occurs at any time before during or after the event and/or other cause beyond the control of event management, who shall in no way be liable whatsoever. The Vendor agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Indemnified Parties from all costs, damages, expenses and liabilities resulting from any act or omission of the Vendor, its employees, contractors, agents or those whom the Vendor is liable for.
This agreement is valid for all dates vendor attends at the market, including dates added or changed after the application has been submitted.