1. Group Record
2. Status
3. Changes
4. Details
*See in the 'Policy Digest' the section titled 'Alateen Meetings in Schools and Other Limited Access Facilities' of the 'Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (p24/27)' for information and/or definitions.
Note: Only current Alateen members, prospective Alateen members, and the Area-certified AMIAS attend Alateen meetings)
Electronic Meeting InformationCredentials are managed bij AMIAS and/or AAPP and are never made public
5. Group AMIASPhone Contact for the Public. (if other than Sponsor). Contacts must be a current certified Al-Anon Members Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS)
Group Sponsors must be currently certified through the Area processPlease list the primary group certified Alateen Sponsors.
6. Current Mailing Address
(All WSO mail for the group is sent to this address; it must be a current AMIAS).