Opportunity to Provide Purim Mishloach Manot Packages for Ukraine’s Children and Elderly
Part of BBYO’s Emergency ISF Campaign Supporting the JDC Relief Efforts
Purim is a time when we celebrate the global Jewish community’s unity and peoplehood. One of the special Mitzvot of Purim is Mishloach Manot, sending food gifts to friends. This year, we are asking for you to consider sending Mishloach Manot to the elderly and young children of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. This city, the seventh largest in Ukraine, is home to many dear friends and a strong chapter that operates out of the Bet Graham JCC through BBYO’s and the JDC’s youth movement across the former Soviet Union: JDC's Active Jewish Teens. For just $18, you can purchase a Mishloach Manot to be delivered locally to those in need on the day of Purim, Thursday March 17th.
Additionally, we encourage you to make an individual contribution – or rally your chapter or community to make a gift – to the JDC’s relief efforts in Ukraine here. The JDC is BBYO’s trusted global partner working to provide humanitarian relief to the Jewish community worldwide, and is on the ground in Ukraine providing vital help to those in need.
Purim Sameach! May we all experience joyous, happy, and peaceful Purim.