Email {email}
Name {name}
Your Mobile Phone Number {yourMobile}
What transactions are you hoping to undertake? {whatTransactions}
How much is the estimated purchase price? {howMuch}
Land Register Purchase Registration Costs {landRegister}
Scottish Revenue LBTT (Stamp Duty equivalent) {scottishRevenue}
Scottish Revenue LBTT (Stamp Duty equivalent) First Time Purchase Discount {scottishRevenue16}
Will you be taking a mortgage on your purchase? {willYou}
Do you currently have a mortgage on the property which you own? {doYou}
Purchase Mortgage Registration {purchaseMortgage}
Sale Mortgage Discharge Registration {saleMortgage}
Purchase Fee {purchaseFee12}
Sale Fee {saleFee13}
Advance Notice (Sale) {advanceNotice}
Advance Notice (Purchase) {advanceNotice18}
Local Authority Search (Property Enquiry Certificate) {localAuthority19}
VAT on Fees {vatOn}
Total (Not FTB) {totalnot}
FTB Total {ftbTotal}