WILDCATS is for all girls from the age of 5 to 11 years and SQUAD is for all girls from the age of 12 to 14 years.
What is Weetabix Wildcats?
Weetabix Wildcats football centres offer girls aged 5-11 a chance to try football for the first time and provide regular opportunities to play.
All sessions are delivered by FA qualified coaches providing a safe place for girls to try football for the first time and develop key football skills.
How much does a Wildcats session cost?
There is a small cost of £14.99 per month for the months that have 4 sessions and £18.50 for the months that have 5 sessions. This covers the cost of the coach and venue for each session your childs attends and works out to be about £3 per session.
How will my daughter be looked after during the session?
All sessions are delivered by FA qualified coaches providing a safe place for girls to try football for the first time and develop key football skills.
What should my daughter wear?
We recommend that girls wear comfortable sportswear and closed-toe shoes but most centres will let you wear anything you want. If she’s a budding goalkeeper, we recommend packing her a pair of gloves. Many of the Weetabix Wildcats centres host fancy dress days where, if your daughter wants to, she can dress up for the session.
Does my daughter need to bring anything?
We provide all the equipment for the activities, so no need to send your daughter with anything other than a drink, lots of energy and a smile!
Can I come along to watch during the session?
Yes, absolutely. Parents, carers and siblings are also encouraged to stay, watch and get involved!
Is there an opportunity for me to help out with the sessions?
Yes. If you want to help out speak to your local Weetabix Wildcats centre lead to find out how you can get involved.
We hope the journey of our national team in this tournament will inspire thousands more young girls to play football, and we want to have a programme or offer in place for every one of those girls, regardless of what their motivations to play are!
What is the Squad Girls Football programme?
The aim for this new and exciting programme is to provide girls between the ages of 12-14 a fun, relevant and engaging recreational offer that allows them to develop themselves as much as their football skills in a safe, inclusive environment.
The programme has been specifically designed to give autonomy, choice and voice to the girls who are involved in the sessions. By adopting this approach, young people will have the freedom to develop their social identity, become a valued member of a team and build their self-confidence through engaging in fun and flexible football activity.
How much does it cost?
There is a small cost of £14.99 per month for the months that have 4 sessions and £18.50 for the months that have 5 sessions. This covers the cost of the coach and venue for each session your childs attends and works out to be about £3 per session.
Yaxham Village Hall Playing Fields Mondays 5pm to 6pm
Norwich Road
Yaxham DATES
Dereham NR19 1RJ March 2024
If you need any further information please feel free to contact us: motive8sports@hotmail.com