Serve God and your church family by getting involved with a Ministry Team!
Fill out this form so we can help you take this next step!
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Are you currently a member of International Christian Church?
No, but I would like to be
What Ministries would you be interested serving in (select all you might be interested in)?
WELCOME: focused on greeting and welcoming people during our Worship Services. This ministry includes serving in roles like assisting in parking and greeting people as they enter the church building.
NURSERY: focused on helping care for the infants and young toddlers during Sunday service, in order to allow parents to actively participate in the worship service. This ministry includes caring for and watching over any infants and young toddlers.
CHILDREN: focused on the teaching and growth of the children within the church. This ministry includes serving in roles like teaching and helping at our Toddlers or Otto's Scrapyard (our Sunday Children's Ministry)
YOUTH: focused on the teaching and growth of the youth (middle and high school). This ministry includes serving in roles like teaching and helping during Youth events.
TECH TEAM: focused on the technical side of worship services. This ministry includes serving in roles like sound, media, lights, and livestream technicians. No previous experience needed.
WORSHIP TEAM: focused on leading the congregation in worship during our worship services. This ministry includes serving in roles like vocalists and instrumentalists. Note: there is a live audition to serve on the worship team.
BUILDING AND FACILITIES: focused on the overall care of the church building. This ministry includes serving in roles like fixing facility problems and planning for church facility growth.
EDUCATION: focused on the overall educational ministry of the church. This ministry includes serving in roles like our daycare and providing training for teachers and other individuals.
FELLOWSHIP: focused on the growth of the body of believers. This ministry includes serving in roles like planning and executing events for the church.
FINANCE: focused on the financial side of developing, maintaining and accounting of the church. This ministry includes roles like conducting financial transactions and keeping the church budget and account records.
MEMBERSHIP: focused on care and growth of church members. This ministry includes serving in roles like conducting membership classes and caring for existing members.
MISSIONS: focused on missionary support and spreading the Gospel to all the nations. This ministry includes serving in roles like communicating with missionaries and planning outreach events.
Not sure which Ministry you want to get involved in? Tell us more about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, gifts, etc., below so we can get you involved in a ministry!
We'll contact you directly to help you find the best Ministry Team for you to serve on!
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