Earth Converse Nest Application
If you would like to accelerate your and your project's development, come and join an 'earthconverse nest'. It is an open and ongoing process, so whenever feels right for you, please apply using this form.
First Name
Last Name
Introduce yourself in 2 sentences!
So we can mix and match people, please give us a feel for your idea/project and how you envision the nest helping you
Put forward your payment proposal (this is a different way of doing things we know but give it a go)
You will need to commit to 2 hours/every fortnight for 12 weeks: please indicate your time preference
Monday (10:00 - 12:00 CET)
Monday (16:00 - 18:00 CET)
Friday (10:00 - 12:00 CET)
If you live in Mallorca and want a face to face nest, please indicate day preference
Your e-mail
Signature date
Apply for a nest
Should be Empty: