Rather than labeling yourself or others, can you think of a time when you might have offended someone, broken a rule, or oppressed or hurt someone else? If so, what steps, if any, did you or will you take to correct the situation? Sometimes it’s simply not possible to fix what happened. If it’s not possible to correct the situation, what did or will you do to make sure it doesn’t happen again?
Rather than labeling yourself or others, can you think of a time when you have experienced harm or oppression? If so, what steps, if any, did you or will you take to heal yourself from the trauma? If you haven’t already taken steps, now may be a good time to consider getting support. You deserve to live a life free from pain and trauma.
Can you think of any “crimes” that should really be considered regulatory infractions instead of crimes? Or can you think of any rules or laws that should be changed because they might be unfair?
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