Please read this carefully.
I use a sliding scale pricing system and generally work within the budget you provide in your inquiry form. I will typically offer you a range of pricing at the end of your tattoo session. Please feel free to let me know your preferred budget as well as your maximum.
My sliding scale breaks down as follows:
Tier 1 is reserved for those with very little expendable income.
Tier 2 is for those who don't have a necessarily large income but can afford small luxuries such as eating out twice each week.
Tier 3 is for those who are financially stable and expendable income.
I ask that higher earners add additional compensation as makes sense for their level of income. As a disabled artist, those who are able to pay more are an enormous blessing in my life.
Please be aware that my minimum for any project is $250, and that would be for flash that takes under an hour.
My minimum for custom pieces is $275 for very minimal detail. *Most* customs from me fall within a $400-800 range.
In general, smaller pieces (up to 3"x3") containing very minimal detail will fall in the $250-350 range.
For more medium-sized pieces (4"-6") with mid level details, pricing would likely range from $400-850.
For large pieces (7"-10") with high levels of detail, pricing would likely be in the $600-1,200 range but can go higher depending on the complexity of the project.
*** Clients with considerable income are encouraged to pay more than quoted on this page.