County of Ventura Organic Waste or Recyclables Self-Hauler Registration
Registration is required for all businesses in Unincorporated Ventura County who intend to self-haul organic waste (i.e. green materials, yard waste, and food scraps) or recyclables. Businesses not subscribing to ALL three levels of service (trash, recyclables, and organic waste) are required to manage material by self-hauling, pursuant to Ventura County Ordinance 4590. Self-haulers are subject to audits and potential fees for non-compliance.
Business or Property Name
Goods or services provided by your business
Applicant Name
First Name
Last Name
Business or Property Physical Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Secondary Email (if applicable)
Type of materials my business plans to self-haul
Green waste
Food scraps
All of the above
None of the above
Does your business subscribe to a collection service through a Ventura County-franchised Contractor? Check all that apply
Yes, my business subscribes to trash collection service
Yes, my business subscribes to organic waste collection service (e.g. yard waste, brush, landscaping debris)
Yes, my business subscribes to organic waste collection service (e.g. food scraps/waste)
Yes, my business subscribes to recyclables collection service
No, my business does not subscribe to any collection service through a Ventura County-franchised Contractor
If subscribing to any level of service, please provide the name of the Contractor serving your business
Athens Services
Harrison Industries
J&L Hauling & Disposal. Inc
Marborg Industries, Inc.
Mountainside Disposal, Inc.
Peach Hill Soils, Inc.
Please acknowledge and agree to the terms of being a Registered Self-Hauler in Ventura County (check ALL)
New state regulations effective January 1, 2022 require all commercial self-haulers to maintain specific records. (CCR Title 14, Chapter 12, Article 3, Section 18984.9)
The records commercial businesses that self-haul must keep are delivery receipts and weight tickets from each entity receiving self-hauled materials. Records must be available upon request from the County.
If the material is transported to a site that does not have scales or that employs scales incapable of weighing the waste received, the self-hauler is not required to record the weight of material. However, the self-hauler must maintain a record of the entity that received the material.
Annual hauling records must be made available to the County at the time of audit. Inadequate hauling records could result in monetary penalties.
I agree and understand that by signing this County of Ventura Self-Hauler Registration electronically, my electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature, and I consent to be legally bound to all statements in this County of Ventura Self-Hauler Registration. I further agree my signature on this document is as valid as if I signed the document in writing.
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: