'Artists In The Garden' is an inclusive series of events held on the first Sunday of every month at the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden
Our mission is to bring art to the gardens, to give artists a opportunity to showcase their work or an audience to perform
Spoken word poetry, performance, painting, drawing, music, collaborations, installations ... anything is possible! ... the aim being to build a creative collective using the beauty of our Botanic Garden as a backdrop
Meet artists, talk to artists; an opportunity for connection, to promote and network
We are committed to keeping it a free event for all participating artists
We have been fortunate that the Coffs Harbour City Council has generously supported us by allowing us to hold the events with no venue hire
This generosity comes with a few conditions. One is that 'Artists In The Garden’ is not an art market … that said, each artist has dedicated signage with contact information supplied as we encourage participants to use this to arrange/organise potential sales in a quiet way
Please advise how much information you are comfortable or wish to have public including if you want internet links to be available by QR code
If you would like to put on or a workshop or demonstration let us know and we will send you guidelines separately
Yours in art,
Tammy and James
Tammy Mills Thoms: 0419 898 112
James P Gilmour: 0415 139 703