Custom Pork Processing Cut Instructions
Please Complete the following information for us to process your Pork custom to your specifications.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Mobile Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number. This will be the number that receives text updates with the progress of your animal.
Who is the Origin of the Beef? Please indicate their first and last name or if this is a Fair Animal please indicate which fair.
If there is a descriptor such as an Ear Tag #, a Fair Lot #, Larger or Smaller, or any other information that would differ between all of your animals? Please Indicate that info here.
If this animal was purchased using a Business Name please indicate that here:
Date of Slaughter
Will you be splitting this carcass with another party? if Yes please select "half" and in the next field provide us with the Name and phone number of the other party. All splits are subject to a $20 charge per split.
Please Select
Half - Additional $20 Split Charge
Additional Party Contact Information, please insert the list of names and phone numbers. if you will be taking the whole carcass please input "Not Any", Thank You.
Now we will begin your instructions.
Each section of the animal will be broken down individually, as you make your selections, think about how you cook at home. If you have any questions after you have filled these sections out, there is a box at the end where you can ask questions and we will contact you via telephone as soon as possible.
Steak Size - This selection will be the thickness that all steaks and chops will be cut on this carcass.
Please Select
1 1/4"
1 1/2"
Package Quantities - How many steaks would you like per package?
Please Select
2 per pack
4 per pack - Most Common Selection
5 per pack
6 per pack
Roast Size
Please Select
2-3 #
3-4 #
Neck Bones
Please Select
No - Add to Ground Pork or Sausage
Please Select
Ground Pork or Sausage
Please Select
Ground Pork or Sausage
Spare Ribs
Please Select
No - Add to Ground Pork or Sausage
Pork Belly
Please Select
Fresh Side - Sliced
Fresh Side - Slab
Cured Bacon - Sliced
Cured Bacon - Slab
Leg 1
Please Select
Fresh - Roasts
Fresh - Steaks
Cured Ham - Whole
Cured Ham - Cut in 1/2
Cured Ham - Steaks (if selected one small roast will be unsuitable for cutting into steaks)
Cured Ham - Roasts and Center Cut Steaks
Leg 2
Please Select
Fresh - Roasts
Fresh - Steaks
Cured Ham - Whole
Cured Ham - Cut in 1/2
Cured Ham - Steaks (if selected one small roast will be unsuitable for cutting into steaks)
Cured Ham - Roasts and Center Cut Steaks
Please Select
Cured - if you selected Ham roasts you will get cured hocks
No - Add to Ground Pork or Sausage
Breakfast Sausage
Please Select
Bulk - Mild Breakfast Sausage
Bulk - Spicy Breakfast Sausage
Ground Pork
Please Select
No - Add to Sausage
Custom Linked Sausage - 10# Minimum Recipe Size on all Sausages
Bratwurst - Additional 4.87 per pound
Calabrese - Additional 4.87 per pound
California Hot Link - Additional 4.87 per pound
Country Links - Additional 4.87 per pound
Hot Italian - Additional 3.87 per pound
Jim's Italian - Additional 4.87 per pound
Mild Italian - Additional 3.87 per pound
Sicilian - Additional 4.87 per pound
Sweet Italian - Additional 3.87 per pound
Custom Blended Linked Sausage - 10# Minimum Recipe Size on all Sausages, Sausage will be blended with 50% Beef, Beef will be an additional charge.
German Sausage - Additional 4.99 per pound
Swiss Sausage - Additional 4.99 per pound
Specialty Items - 10# Minimum Recipe Size on all Specialty Items. These are items that require extra time for processing.
Habanero BBQ Snack Sticks
Jalapeno Snack Sticks
Jalapeno Cheddar Snack Sticks
Pepperoni Snack Sticks
Pepperoni Snack Sticks with Cheese
Pepperoni Snack Sticks with Jalapenos and Cheese
If you selected any Sausage, or Specialty Items - There is a 10# minimum recipe size on these items, recipes are in 10# increments. Please indicate your priority first, then the recipe name, and finally the recipe size.
Any Questions? Note them here and our staff will contact you via telephone regarding your processing questions!
Your Custom Processing Instructions are now complete!
Please double check your selections and then sign below.
Read and Check all of the following:
I Understand Chase's Chop Shop is CLOSED on Sundays and Mondays.
I Understand Tuesday through Friday's Business Hours are Noon-5:30PM
I Understand Saturday's Business Hours are 10AM-4:00PM
I Understand there is a 3 Day pick up Policy and agree to pick up within 3 Days
I Understand Chase's Chop Shop DOES NOT accept Checks
I understand the charges and agree to the Selections above. Chase's Chop Shop reserves the right to discard any meat that we feel is unfit for human consumption. This serves as a Non-Disparagement Agreement between Chase's Chop Shop and all parties as patrons including Named Customers as well as anyone acting as an agent for a Named Customer.
Submit Button is at the Bottom of this Page, Keep Scrolling!!!
Chase's Chop Shop Apparel
If you would like any Chase's Chop Shop Gear, Select what you would like below and we will add it to your Custom Processing Order!
Smoke Meat Not Meth
Indicate the Quantity and Size you would like. Available in Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL
You May Beat Our Prices, But You'll Never Beat Our Meat!
Indicate the Quantity and Size you would like. Available in Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL
If You Need Boning... I'm Your Man!
Indicate the Quantity and Size you would like. Available in Small, Medium, Large, XL, 2XL
Should be Empty: