How much will my company save using Just Interview?*
*vs. traditional recruiting
What's the salary for the position you are seeking to fill?
How many positions at that salary are you seeking to fill?
What recruitment fees do you pay based upon successful hires?
We only use job boards
We pay 15% success fees
We pay 20% success fees
We pay 25% success fees
Before Just Interview, here are the typical recruitment fees your company would expect to pay.......
Here is what CareerNet's Just Interview Service can save you...
Not-so-Fun Facts: Did you know that free job posts attract more than 85% unqualified applicants and that only 1 in 152 applicants on job boards is actually hired?
Did you know that hiring a single person takes 60 hours on average divided among your team? At an average HR salary of $60,000 per year, that's an additional $1,730.00 in costs to hire each individual.
Just Interview. It's operated by recruiting professionals whose job it is to source and verify the best available candidates at less than half the ACTUAL costs of free job boards.
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