By completing this form, I am submitting an appointment request and price quote inquiry. In response, I will receive an email response with either a need for further clarification OR an appointment time and date option and a general price quote.
Generally, new guests are able to be seen within 3-4 weeks after a submission request, but guests with limited availability may have to wait up to 6 weeks to be seen.
1. I understand and will comply with the strict 24-hour cancellation policy and if I do cancel my appointment with less than 24-hours notice, I agree to be charged 50% of my cancelled appointment to be paid for reserved service time.
2. I understand if I am a no show, I agree to be charged 100% of my missed appointment and reserved service time.
3. Redos are accepted provided it is brought to my attention within five (5) business days of the original service and only covers adjustments to the original service.
By clicking I Agree and the Submit button below, I am agreeing to the terms and conditions above.