Macro Coaching Check In Form
Please fill out below questions as accurately as possible.
First Name
Last Name
Overall how would you rate your week?
What are you most proud of this week with macro counting? Outside of macro counting? Any big wins that you would like to share?
What struggles/obstacles are you facing with macro counting or nutrition in general? Both directly with the app/ logging process, hitting targeted ranges and also any outside factors that are impacting your ability to be adherent/consistent with it?
How has your training/workouts been this week? Effort level/amount of days, progress, etc?
How is digestion? Are you experiencing any bloating, constipation, GI changes? if so, is it after a certain meal or are you noticing any trends?
How is sleep? Do you find it hard to fall asleep &/or wake up ? (can choose more than one)
Hard to fall asleep
Easy to fall asleep
Hard to wake up
Easy to wake up
What is your caffeine consumption like? More than usual, average, less?
FEMALES: Where are you in your menstrual cycle?
Are there any life stressors that may have affected your results this week? Rate your stress level. 0= Zero stress, 10 = maxed out on stress
Where do you need more assistance from me this week to help make next week just as/more successful?
What is/are some personal goal(s) for the week ahead? Be specific and make sure they are measurable!
Is there anything extra that you would like to add/note about this past week that is helpful to be aware of?
Which route do you prefer your check in response to be through this week?
ZOOM meeting
LOOM video response
Please be patient as we review & make changes to your plans: I acknowledge that changes to my plans can take 24-36 hours to complete.
Should be Empty: