The purpose of this application is to gather basic information about you as a first step for your possible involvement with the Life Church Worship Team at the Salem House of Prayer (SHOP). We hope to learn about your musicianship background and skills, as well as your heart for the Lord, for worship, and for His church.
At Life Church, we put a high priority on worship. While we value strength in musical gifting, having a servant’s heart and a passion for the Lord are more important. We encourage people of all skill levels to apply for this opportunity together at SHOP. Serving regularly at SHOP is a great way for us to intercede for and bless our community. It is also an opportunity to make new connections, fostering unity in our city and with each other. This may be a great option for you to connect with the Life Church Worship community if you have felt hesitant or unsure of whether to apply to join the Sunday morning teams.
To apply, please complete this form , click the submit button and you're done.
Again, thank you for your interest and your heart for worship. We look forward to getting to know you better!
Stephanie Foster
Life Church Worship Pastor
Please note: This application is ONLY for the SHOP Team. If you would like to apply for our main worship team, please fill out the seperate application, as the processes and team criteria is different. Thank you!