Activities: including, but not limited to, all types of indoor skiing, snowboarding, roller skating, scooter, skidoos, playing on the indoor ski slopes, all the fitness and dancing classes, all the fun activities and any other event or action occurring in any area inside or outside the premises of Infinite Ski Center.
Infinite Ski: the company Infinite Ski LLC, its staff and management
Center: the place where Infinite Ski Activities take place
During my presence at the Center, I agree to follow the instructions and guidance of Infinite SKI staff, and I acknowledge that if I fail to follow the safety instructions my Activities may be prematurely ended and I may be requested to leave the Center with no right for reimbursement.
I confirm that I am in good physical condition and have no medical impairments that might prevent me from my intended activities at the centre, and I acknowledge that Infinite Ski did not give me medical advice related to my physical condition and my ability to do any activities at the centre.
I acknowledge that like many other sports and activities, there is a risk of personal injury. I hereby indemnify Infinite Ski, staff and management against any and all claims in respect of any injury, loss or damage arising from or in connection with my presence at the center.
I acknowledge that safety equipment such as helmets and kneepads are recommended and are available at the Center. It is my decision and responsibility to decide on wearing them.
I acknowledge that any purchased package does have an expiration date (5MS=2months, 10MS=3months, 5MS=5months) and is not transferable nor refundable.