JEMS Academy Trial Waiver
Please sign and date the waiver below
I hereby waive any claims against JEMS Academy, its agents, employees, representatives, and assigns for any and all injuries, damages, or losses that may occur to my child, while participating in any school activities. This waiver releases JEMS Academy from all liability relating to injuries that may occur on location before, during, or after trail.
I understand and acknowledge that participation in school activities involves inherent risks and dangers. I assume all such risks for my child and release the school from any and all liability arising out of my child’s participation in such activities.
I further acknowledge that I have read and fully understand this waiver and its contents, and that I voluntarily and knowingly waive any legal rights that I, my child, or any other party may have against the school as a result of my child’s participation in the trial.
This waiver shall remain in effect for the entire time my child attends JEMS Academy.