Thank you again for your interest in the 2021 ELCIC Summer Sermon Series!
After you submit this form, you will receive an email indicating that your email has been added to this folder.
If you don’t get an email but already use Box, you may want to just check to see if the new folder is already available there for you. Box has an auto-accept feature that it defaults to for some users. And sometimes this email gets labeled as junk or spam.
A few notes about the 2021 ELCIC Summer Sermon Series:
- A schedule of sermons has been made available to assist you with your planning. These are in the main Box folder.
- All of the sermons will be available in both text and video format. The text of the sermons will be in both pdf (for distributing) and word (in case you need to reformat into a version for someone to deliver during worship). The videos will be available in mp4 format.
- The sermons will be organized in BOX by date. If a folder is not yet posted for an upcoming week, it’s because the resources have not yet been finalized.
- It is our goal to ensure that all the resources for the coming weeks will be available by Tuesday at the latest of that week. This means for the first sermon for May 23, it will be available by Tuesday, May 18 at the latest.
- We hope on many occasions the files will be ready a few days before that or even sooner.
- BOX does provide notifications when new files are added but it depends on how you have those set up and it varies person to person, as well as by computer devise. Please check BOX often for the resources.
If you run into any difficulties or have questions, please email
We hope you find these resources helpful. If you have any feedback, we’d love to hear from you.