Waiver of Liability
It is the policy of the Mudsock Youth Baseball League that kids are not to play up or down an age group for the safety and enjoyment of the child and other children in the program. We recognize that there are instances where the physical and mental difference of a child could potentially be unfair to other children of the same age or to their child in their own age group. This is not a proven or scientific assessment by the league. In the event that a parent believes that their child is developmentally at a competitive level above or below that of his/her age group and that it is in the best interest of the child and our program that that child play up or down an age group, the league will grant such a request with the parent taking full responsibility for this decision and signing the waiver below.
The following restrictions will be mandatory for any child not playing in their own age group.
Pitching: The player cannot pitch if he/she played down to a younger age group.
As parent/guardian of player, with my signature below, I acknowlege and have read this agreement and hereby agree to the restrictions herein and waiver any liability against the directors of Mudsock Youth Baseball or Mudsock Youth Athletics for any injuries, accidents, or problems as a result of not playing my child in his/her league designated age group.