The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), signed into law in 2012, and the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), signed into law in 2015, placed an increased emphasis on performance management within the Federal-aid highway and transit programs. Therefore, highway/roadway projects require all state department of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations use a performance based planning and programming approach for transportation decision-making. Seven (7) national goals were established for the Federal-Aid highway program (23 USC 150(b)). These goals are 1) Safety; 2) Infrastructure Condition; 3) Congestion Reduction; 4) System Reliability; 5) Freight Movement and Economic Vitality; 6) Environmental Sustainability; and 7) Reduced Project Delivery Delays. For transit projects, performance measures assess the condition in which a capital asset can operate at a full level of performance. A capital asset is in a state of good repair (SGR) when that asset can, 1) perform its designated functions; 2) does not pose a known unacceptable safety risk; and 3) its life cycle investments must have been met or recovered (MAP-21 Section 625.41). Transit Asset Management final rule requires Tier II provder targets to be set for four (4) performance measures: 1) Rolling Stock - the % of revenue vehicles that exceed the Useful Life Benchmark (ULB); 2) Equipment - % of non-revenue service vehicles that exceed the ULB; 3) Facilities - % of facilities that are rated less than 3.0 on the Transit Economic Requrement Model (TERM) Scale; 4) Infrastructure - % of track segments that have performance restrictions (N/A for KYOVA). States and MPOs are required to establish performance targets in support of these national goals and measures. Additionally, MPOs are required to establish targets and provide reports detailing progress toward those targets through planned and programmed projects. The following set of questions relate to the Performance Measures to ensure projects funded through the STBG Program support and enhance both the highway and transit targets and measures.