1.) When do I place my first order?
We send out a newsletter with a link to our update online store catalog every other week, usually on Thursday or Friday, and request orders the following Monday morning by 8am. We then close the store to start packing orders for that week.
We run a delivery cycle twice a month--usually every other week depending on the month.
You can find our delivery schedule on our website or our newsletter.
2.) Can I order whatever I want?
Yes! Based on the availability in our store catalogy, you can TOTALLY customize your order so that you don't end up with anything that you don't want.
3.) How does the distribution process work?
On delivery day, we will send you a text message to remind you to leave a cooler out for us in a conspicuous location.
You will then receive an automatically generated text notification when we are 30 minutes away as well as when your order has been delivered.
The window for home deliveries is between 1-9pm. Your meat, eggs, cheese or any other add-ons will be fine in a cooler in a shady spot for 3-4 hours even in the summer.
If you have the flexibility, we encourage our members to select one of our "happy hour" pick-up options at a partnering local brewery. When members select this option at checkout when they place an order, they receive a $10 drink voucher that can be redeemed at pick up or later at that brewery.
4.) How do I pay you?
Credit Card: Depending on the payment plan you signed up for, your card will be charged automatically and show up as Edens Meats on your statement. Your payment plan will also automatically renew each month, quarter, or year until you stall or stop payment.
Charges will be made on the 1st or 21st of the month (depending on plan) and show up as Edens Meats on your statement.
Check Payment: Whether you're paying in full with one check or with post-dated checks, please send the checks to us within 5 business days of signing up for a membership plan. Instructions about how to pay with a check should be included on your form.
5.) How can I get more involved as a member?
Our farm is your farm. Make sure to read our newsletters twice a month for different happenings on the farm and farm store.