Call To Action Message:
This section should contain a clear and concise description of how an end user signs up to receive messages.
1.Customers opt-in by visiting and adding their phone number. They then check a box agreeing to receive text messages from the example brand.
2.Consumers opt-in by texting START to (111) 222-3333. You will need to explain how the consumer/recipient is informed to text the keyword/initiate the text messaging conversation. Acceptable explanations of how the consumer is informed includes, a link to a webpage where the keyword opt-in is advertised an attached screenshot of the keyword opt-in advertisement
3. Signing up at a point of sale (POS) or another message sender on-site location. If the opt-in is collected verbally, you must provide a copy of the opt-in script read to the consumer
4. Consumer fills out a paper registration form. You must provide copy of the form used to collect consent and how users will receive the form.