I hereby give my consent for the treatment of a Chemical Peel to be done to my face and/or areas of my body. I hereby give my consent that my Chemical Peel be performed by a Licensed Master Aesthetician here at Corrective Skincare.
Chemical Peels are treatments designed to remove superficial layers of the skin. They are supposed to "dry out" active acne, dis-lodge blackheads, and reduce shallow wrinkles and scarring. They also help lighten hyper-pigmentation & generally improve the appearance and health of sun-damaged and aging skin.
The peeling is accomplished with a chemical solution. Before the solution is applied, your skin is thoroughly cleansed with a facial shampoo. It is helpful that you remove any face makeup prior to the treatment. After application of a special cleanser, a "prep" solution is applied over the face and skin to be peeled. This part is to remove the lipid (oil) barrier on the surface of the skin. This solution also prepares the skin for even application of the actual chemical peel formula.
Once the skin is prepped and ready, the chemical peel formula is applied with cotton swab applicators. Some clients experience a warm burning sensation during the peel. We will work to reduce the discomfort by allowing a fan to blow on your face during the treatment. Taking an Asprin or Benedryl with food one hour prior to the peel may also alleviate some discomfort. After application of the chemical peel, your face may have a white, frosted appearance which is caused by the peel solution and usually fades within two or three hours. During the next few days your face will appear red and progressively become a deeper red, finally turning a deep tan or brown color. Your skin will likely become very tight, dry and somewhat uncomfortable. In most cases peeling usually occurs between the second and fifth day following your chemical peel treatment. If you should have any questions during the course of your chemical face peeling, you may refer to your "Chemical Face Peels Pre- and Post-Procedure Instructions" sheet given to you by your Aesthetician.
Contraindications to a Chemical Peel:
1. Any client on Accutane must have discontinued use of the medication for at least three months prior to chemical peel.
2. With the acception of acne and ingrown hairs, the presence of any skin disease or infection is a contraindiction for a chemical peel. If a client has herpes simplex (cold sores) they should obtain prescription Zoverax from their doctor & begin therapy two days prior to chemical peel.
3. Clients who have dark complexions are at risk of temporary hyperpigmentation following a chemical peel & undertake the procedure at their own risk. We cannot predict who may or may not have hyperpigmentation following a chemical peel. A patch test will be done behind the ear to analyze probable results. This hyperpigmentation may last several weeks, gradually fading with the use of a topical glycolic with bleaching agent, topical Vitamin A, and diligent use of a potent daily sunblock. It may also require several light peels four to six weeks apart to fade the hyperpigmentation. Again, clients with dark complexions undertake the procedure at their own risk.
I understand and acknowledge the risks and benefits. I understand that this treatment is a program. It may require sessions or cycles in order to reach my desired results. It has been explained to me that this treatment is an outpatient procedure that can be done in clinics or offices. In this regard, I shall comply with the aftercare instructions given to me by my Aesthetician. I understand that there are no guarantees that the desired result would be achieved. Complications may appear as: Allergic reactions due to medications or with the chemical peel or both; Keloids or thick scars; Increased or decreased pigmentation; Sensitivity to the wind or sun