For and in consideration of participating in this distance ride endorsed by Equine Distance Riding Association (hereafter called EDRA), I understand and agree
• distance riding is a hazardous activity;
• distance riding may and likely will involve being in remote areas for long periods of time;
• there may be natural and/or man-made hazards in the area where the ride is located which ride management cannot anticipate, identify, modify, or
• equines are capable of being excitable, difficult to control, and/orunpredictable;
• accidents can happen to anyone at any time–whether it is my equine causing injury to another equine or person or whether it is another participant’s
equine causing injury to me or myequine;
• accidents can also happen to anyone who attends a distance riding event as a spectator or otherwise;and
• there is often NO ambulance or medical help present nor readilyavailable.
I understand and agree that I assume full responsibility for my safety and my equine’s safety. To the best of my ability, I will be vigilant in preventing injury
to other persons or equines.
In exchange for the privilege of participating in EDRA endorsed distance rides, I, my heirs, executors, and administrators will hold harmless and blameless
EDRA, and all officers and directors thereof, all members of the ride management and ride personnel, and all property owners/tenants upon whose land the
distance rides are held from all liability for any injury or loss to myself or my horse which occurs due to my participation, or anyone who accompanies me to
EDRA events.
I am fully aware of all ride rules and agree to abide by those rules set down by ride management and EDRA. I fully understand the consequences of not following
ride rules.
This release is governed by the laws of the state of Washington and is intended to be interpreted as broadly as possible. I agree that exclusive jurisdiction and
venue for any legal action against EDRA, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers or agents shall be in Spokane County Superior Court or federal court of the state of Washington, Eastern District. If any part of this agreement is determined to be unenforceable, all other parts shall remain in effect.
I have read and fully understand the above liability release. (Signature block following)