EMC2 Individual Purchase Order System
Please contact us at connect@emc2learning.com for any questions.
Business Information
Name and information of the person in charge of POs and invoices in your organization.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
School District Name
In not a School District, please put the name of the organization.
School Name
If only buying for one building in your district
Billing Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Account Manager
This section is for the person who will administer the account(s).
Account Manager Name
First Name
Last Name
Account Manager Email
Account Manager Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
You will get the values to put here based on the going prices on EMC2Learning.com. First, go there and click memberships. Add to cart what product(s) you want to get your total cost. Once you get that information use that total in the boxes below. ///WARNING\\\ Failure to do this step correctly, will make all quotes and invoices invalid contracts.
Product you are purchasing:
Basic Builder
Engagement Engineer
Engagement Engineer PLUS
Bulk Accounts (Building or District)
Total Accounts Needed:
If you are buying more than one, make sure you are buying one of our team accounts on EMC2 Learning so you get the right total amount owed.
Coupon Code Used
If you used a coupon code to get a prefered price, please put it here.
Total Estimated Cost as seen on EMC2 Learning's Cart page.
WARNING Failure to put in a valid price as displayed on our site will result in this PO being null and void.
Should be Empty: