Compliments and Complaints
At MindWise we recognise and value your feedback and believe that this can help us to improve how we deliver our services to you.
Please let us know what you would like to tell us today.
I would like to make a complaint about MindWise services and ask you to put things right
I would like to share a compliment about a MindWise service
I have a suggestion or feedback about a MindWise service
Making a complaint
MindWise welcomes complaints as we value everyone who uses our services. Complaints give MindWise the opportunity of trying to put things right. They also give us information about how we can improve our services.
Which service does your complaint relate to?
Please provide a brief outline of your complaint below.
Please let us know your contact details so that we can respond to your complaint.
First Name
Last Name
It would be helpful if you could tell us if you are:
A client / service user / tenant
A volunteer
A member of staff
A member of the public
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Sharing a compliment
A compliment is positive feedback regarding an area of our service or service delivery. A compliment may also be about the person who provided the service, or more generally about the service we have provided. Compliments let us know we are getting it right.
What service does your compliment relate to?
Please give a brief outline of your compliment below.
It would be helpful if you could tell us if you are:
A client / service user / tenant
A volunteer
A member of staff
A member of the public
First Name
Last Name
Giving feedback
A comment is a suggestion, idea or observation about our services. Anyone can make a comment about our services, how they access our services, the staff that deliver them and so on.
What service does your feedback relate to?
Please give a brief outline of comment or feedback below
It would be helpful if you could tell us if you are:
A client / service user / tenant
A volunteer
A member of staff
A member of the public
First Name
Last Name
Please verify that you are human
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