Below are a list of treatment(s) that will apply to me when accepting this consent.
Laser Tattoo Removal/ Pigmentation/ Thread Vein/ Rejuvenation/ Birthmark Removal
Laser treatment is a method of removing tattoos. The purpose of the treatment is to achieve improvements in the appearance of the skin by removing the unwanted tattoo/pigment within the dermis of the skin using the AW3R Laser system.
Accepting Terms and Consent*
I agree to follow the post treatment recommendations advised by operator/company above in order to ensure the best possible results. For Light/Laser Treatments, I understand that excessive heat should be avoided for 48 hours and that exposure to the sun, including sun beds, must be avoided for 30 days before treatment and 30 days after treatment. A sun block of SPF 30+ must be used on the exposed skin areas, otherwise it might be possible that blotchy skin pigmentation, hyper- or hypo-pigmentation might occur.
I agree to co-operate with the recommendations of the company or the personnel while I am under their care, realising that any lack of co-operation could result in less than optimum results.
I agree to inform the above operator/company immediately if any adverse effects occur.
I agree to photographic documentation of the treated area both before and after the treatment.
I certify that I have read the entire informed consent and I agree to all its provisions. I certify that I have had the opportunity to ask questions and these questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I fully understand the treatment conditions and procedure.
I agree to pay for the above mentioned services (unless expressly stated in your booking information) and understand that there will be no refunds for any performed services. This consent form and cost covers above selected treatments only. Additional treatments can be added to this consent form and will be charged for as per clinic price list, including single shot treatments.
I have been made aware of the risks and I accept these terms and conditions as part of my treatment. We accept no liability for any of the above side effects. By accepting this, I agree to the terms and conditions and in the event of any of the above. I or any of my representative will not pursue the above person / company in any means of compensation.