The Bonei Olam family is overjoyed to welcome it's 10,000 baby.
Ten thousand is a monumental milestone.
It means 10,000 new mothers gazing in wonder at their newborn.
It means 10,000 new fathers holding a precious bundle for the very first time.
It means 10,000 homes filling with light, love, and warmth.
All the hours of work and effort, the anticipation and dashed hopes, the dreams
and yearning, have reaped priceless dividends far beyond what anyone could
have imagined since the inception of Bonei Olam 23 years ago.
Since the establishment of Bonei Olam, thousands of couples have had the opportunity to experience the heart and soul of the organization, and Klal Yisroel has been privileged to play this important role in the lives of couples who need financial help for fertility treatment.
Bonei Olam has played this unbelievable role to the tune of 10,000 babies.
“These are babies who turned couples into parents and gave grandparents additional nachas they weren’t sure they’d ever experience,” remarked Rabbi Bochner. “These 8,700 babies will be’ezras Hashem grow to become outstanding Torah Yidden, raising families of their own, carrying forth the impact we’ve been
zocheh to have.”
Mazel tov, Klal Yisrael. May we always share in simchos together.