Mid-Internship Evaluation
To be completed by intern halfway through their internship. Please help us in ensuring that your internship experience is appropriate and that you are receiving valuable training by completing the following report. Your feedback is critical in the progress of our program. We encourage you to answer openly and honestly so we can work to make our internship program the best it can be.
First Name
Last Name
Animal Area
Primate World
Rocky Mountain Wild
Elephant and Rhino Barn
Big Back Yard
Waters Edge: Africa
African Rift Valley 1
African Rift Valley 2
Please rate each category accordingly.
Skill and responsiveness of the keepers
Not Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Keepers were effective educators
Instructions were clear and organized
Keepers stimulated interns interest
Keepers effectively used their time with you
Keepers were available and helpful
Keepers provided useful feedback
Internship Content
Not Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Learning objectives were clear
Internship content was organized and well planned
Intern workload was appropriate
Internship was organized
Responsibilities were what you anticipated
Are your expectations of the internship program being met? Why or why not?
Were you able to accomplish what you wanted at this point in your internship? Why or why not? Could you have used more assistance?
How could the keepers better assist you or future interns to be successful in the area?
What aspects of this internship have been the most useful or valuable?
What is the highlight of your internship so far?
What has been the hardest part of your internship so far?
Do you feel as though proper safety measures being met? If not, please give specific examples.
You are responsible for ensuring you are getting signatures on your Content Checklist when tasks are completed. At this point, you should be 50% done with the list, how are you progressing on your content checklist?
Any feedback for me, Austin, the Intern Supervisor? I love feedback and want to create the best experience possible, please share any thoughts on how I can improve for upcoming interns.
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