CONSENT AND LIBILITY WAIVER | As the parent or legal guardian of the above-named participant, I hereby give my consent for said participant to participate in the High School Youth Group and all events within the Greater Batesville Area, including but not limited to, Sunman, Morris, and Oldenburg. I understand that any event or activity which may have additional risks and/or is outside of the Greater Batesville Area will require a separate liability waiver.
I understand that while our youth group leaders are taking every reasonable precaution to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, these measures cannot prevent contagion 100% and that there is no guarantee anyone will not contract COVID 19, or any communicable disease, during youth group events. By signing below, I acknowledge that there is an increased risk to contracting COVID 19.
I will not hold the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, any Parish within the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, chaperones, leaders, or representatives associated with the Archdiocese and/or parishes, responsible in the event of injury or illness during a Youth Group event. Further, I agree to accept any and all financial responsibility as a result of scheduling necessary emergency medical treatment. I hereby warrant that, to the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health and I assume all responsibility for the health of my child.