Digital Marketing Ideas
How long has your segment been in business?
How many locations and/or offices? Describe functions per location? Ex: claims, underwriters, loss control
Describe your distribution channel?
Broker, online and/or direct to the customer.
Any segment changes in the past year?
Who are the decision-makers in your segment with regards to marketing strategies?
Segment Lead, Sr. Underwriter, Claims, Loss Control, Specialist, Others
Who are the decision-makers in your segment with regards to marketing strategies?
Segment Lead, Sr. Underwriter, Claims, Loss Control, Specialist, Others
Describe your product and/or service.
Multi-package or single, deductible, limits, coverages
What are the key benefits?
Any rating tools?
Do we provide any extra services such as loss control?
Any cross-sell opportunities?
Target Appetite:
Describe your target appetite?
Ex. Fleet size, radius, owned/non-owned, years in business
Any declined classes, limits, or restrictions?
Who are your five biggest competitors?
Describe their strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. (SWAT analysis) **IMP
Any strategies in place to capture market share from them?
What’s our competitive advantage over our competitors?
Marketing Position:
Are we currently a dominant leader in the marketplace?
What’s our market share percentage?
How many accounts do we have in-house and what average size?
What percentage is generated by your biggest broker?
What’s your new business goal and long-term forecast?
What’s your retention goal? Has it changed in recent years?
Have you identified our biggest opportunity? Please describe by product line and by region.
Any key associations within your business?
Marketing Strategies:
What are your current marketing objectives?
What are your current challenges?
What’s your primary and secondary marketing strategies?
Describe your current marketing approach to promote your product or service?
Ex. Advertising, direct mail, tradeshows and events, associations activities, public relations, other.
Any creative approach that has been successful in the past?
Should be Empty: