Marshcroft Masterplan survey
In April 2022 Harrow Estates submitted plans for land East of Tring, known as Marshcroft. The submitted plans considered all feedback received. If residents have further comments on the submitted plans please fill out our survey below. If you have any concerns or questions please indicate in your response.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Email address
What is your age?
Under 18
Please describe your current housing arrangements
Owner occupier
Private rented
Social rented
Prefer not to say
Other (please state in free box below)
Please tick the box if you would NOT like us to contact you with updates about the project in the future
I would NOT like to be contacted about the project
Privacy Policy
The data you provide is being collected by Royal Pilgrim Communications (who can be contacted on 0800 198 1235 or The lawful basis for processing this data is Legitimate Interests for the purposes of this consultation, to gather your opinion on the proposals and to enable us to contact you regarding the project in the future. You can opt out of any contact by ticking the box above or contacting us at any time. You do not have to provide any personal data in order to comment on this proposal. We will not publish or share your personal data with any third parties. A copy of the comments that you make regarding the proposal will be provided to the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning process and so that it can note the comments made, but no personal data will be shared, other than any personal data you choose to put in the comments section. Your personal data will be stored securely for the lifetime of the project, which will be until development is complete or a decision has been made not to progress the project. You have the right to access, amend, object and remove the data we hold at any time.
Marshcroft survey
Whilst a planning application has been submitted to Dacorum Borough Council, we are still keen to hear from residents about their views on Marshcroft and the plans we have developed. Please complete the below survey and click 'submit' to have your say.
Which of the following property types do you think you may need in the next 10 years?
First home
A larger 2 bed property
A larger 3 bed property
A larger 4 bed or larger property
Older persons' accommodation
A smaller property (downsizing)
Other (please state below)
Other (please state in the text box)
Do you have any comments about any aspect of the submitted plans for Marshcroft?
If you support the plans for Marshcroft and would like to know more about how you can register support, please click the box.
Tick here
Thank you
Thank you for submitting your comments regarding Marshcroft.
Should be Empty: