Welcome WALTON FREE TRI participants,
We can't wait to see you on the start line for our monthly events!
From self-marking for the swim at home to virtual race briefings, this pack walks you through the different elements that you need to be aware of prior and during the event:
Missing any information in this pack? Let us know. Email: intotri.team@gmail.com
Racing in the 2023 season takes a little more forward planning. Know what to expect and come prepared - everyone deserves a great day out!
Follow the instructions on the START LIST tab of this pack to:
Find out more about specific elements of the event by ticking the respective boxes below or leave blank to display the full event guide.
There will be free parking available at Xcel Leisure Complex for participants, volunteers and spectators. Please park along Waterside Drive upon arrival and move your car into the Leisure Centre car park once it opens (approx. 6:45am). Cars left on Waterside Drive narrow the senior bike course, which we are keen to avoid.
We have streamlined the check-in process to limit queues. Upon arrival, please follow the one-way system with your bike and kit to registration. Junior athletes to be accompanied by one parent only.
Please follow the yellow arrows from parking to registration and the transition zone. Once registered and set up in transition, proceed to spectator zone to await your start.
Come prepared and be done in a few seconds to help us avoid queues.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Electronic timing requires starter kit (includes timing bracelet)
Step 3:
Attach your race number to the front of your running top or your race belt.
Once registered, follow the one way system (see yellow arrows in registration map above) to wheel your bike to transition.
Marshals will check your helmet strap and handlebar end plugs before you are allowed to place your bike on your designated rack. You will find your racking number on the START LIST tab.
Please rack your bike by looping the saddle over the horizontal bar, one bike facing left, next right (5 bikes per rack) and store your kit to the left of your bike (when looking at the rack). Remember, no boxes allowed in transition. A small soft backed backpack is fine but keep your kit to a minimum as space is at a premium.
Collecting bikes & kit post event:
To ensure bike security, participants will only be allowed to remove their bikes from the transition zone to go home once the last person has started the run course. We expect this to be no later than 8:30am.
When setting up transition, only take the essentials in with you. This will help you get in and out of transition quicker with minimal fuss and stress!
Transition can often be a busy and sometimes confusing place on event day. Make sure you know your swim exit, bike out & in and run out to help gain those precious seconds! Familiarise yourself with the one-way system and look out for something visual near your bike slot, making it easy to spot when you are running into transition.
Make sure your bike is set up in the right gear. You don’t want to be left struggling in the first few meters of the event.
While participants usually have access to dedicated changing facilities at the Xcel Centre from 6:30am onwards, this is not the case at the moment. Please come changed for the event, allowing you to take off no longer needed layers in the transition zone and help with social distancing and hygiene rules. Please only keep the gear you need for the cycle and run leg in the transition zone as space is limited. Store unnecessary kit in your car or near registration at you own risk.
Please proceed through the finish arch, keeping the finish area clear for other participants to run in. Make sure you tap out (see Timing & Results section) at the timing point.
There will be water available in the finish area. Please use it to refill your own bike bottle to limit any waste.
To offer you and an even better in and post race experience, we have rolled out an electronic timing solution. Linked to an app, you will be able to track results, check the overall series leaderboard and see your progress and performance over the season and years to come.
All events in the series remain free to enter. To get your finish and split times, you need to purchase a starter kit, a one-off contribution to our charity. All kits ordered on intotri.com can be picked up at registration on event day. Once you got the kit, which includes a chipped timing bracelet, you can enjoy all the benefits of the new timing system and user portal at intoTRI’s FREE Tri events for years to come.
Results will be posted in the results section on intotri.com/free-tri within 24h of the event. You can also create a racer profile on webscorer.com or download the webscorer app to track all your results (and those of registered friends) over time.
Spectators are most welcome at intoTRI’s Free Tri Series. For safety and security reasons spectators can NOT enter the following areas:
intoTRI’s FREE Tri Series is staged on open roads. Please be mindful of other road users and pedestrians/cyclists. Marshals are placed at strategic points to ensure your safety and keep the impact on other road users to a minimum. Please follow their directions at all times, they are there to make the event enjoyable and safe for all, not to prevent PBs.
Advise to Parents
We ask that excited parents do not accompany their children around the course as this could cause confusion and danger on the route. Parents of younger children are welcome to assist their children in the transition zone but please take care not to impede other athletes on their way in/out of transition. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and ensure you bring appropriate clothing for the weather with long / waterproof layers that can be taken off.
Getting Help
If you have any problems whilst out on the course, please stay where you are and tell the next competitor that you see. We will get out to you as soon as possible and bring both you and/or your bike back to the leisure centre. If you see a competitor in trouble please notify a marshal who will be in contact with the organiser via mobile phone.
If you withdraw from the event at any time, please let the event director know as we may think that you are still out on the course and will go to search for you. Contact details: Michael Burkert
M: 07941389404, E: intotri.team@gmail.com
Please familiarise yourself with the briefing notes below, which replace the mandatory race briefing on site to facilitate social distancing rules. Any last minute announcements will be displayed on a notice board at registration.
Body-mark yourself for the swim at home! Please use a marker pen to:
Marshals will call athletes forward, starting with the swimmers with the fastest estimated swim time. Starting in the water (strictly no diving), participants will be set off in 10 sec intervals (3 sec countdown), snaking through the pool for their allocated swim distance.
Starting on one side of the pool (or the middle, depending on the distance), participants swim up and down each double lane (keeping right), duck under the lane rope and up and down the next lane, duck under the rope and so forth, exiting the pool on the other side.
To overtake, tap the feet of the swimmer in front of you and proceed to overtake once you reach the end of the lane. If your feet are being tapped, proceed at your pace staying left and let the faster swimmer pass at the end of the lane.
The hand over from swim to bike will be in the transition zone. Bike riders will need to wait to the left hand side of their racked bike. Once the timing chip has been handed over and fastened to the cyclist’s wrist, riders can put on their helmet, fasten the straps and un-rack their bike.
Junior Short: 2k (3x laps), Junior Long 2.6k (4x laps)
The course takes in laps of an out and back route on a private road between the Xcel Centre and Weir Hotel.Please stay LEFT at all times unless overtaking.
Distance - Senior Short: 10k
The course takes in 1x lap of an out and back route towards Hampton Court with a 180 degree turn around St Paul’s church in West Molesey.
Distance - Senior Long: 20k
The course takes in 2x laps of an out and back route towards Hampton Court with a 180 degree turn around St Paul’s church in West Molesey.
Note: There will be marshals at hand at key points along the course; however it is the child’s responsibility to know the route and number of laps to complete.
Note: While we have taken every care to mark the non-drafting course with large yellow signs, competitors are responsible for negotiating the route correctly, safely and within the rules of the road. Marshals along the course do NOT have the authority to stop traffic.
The following highlights the key hazards along the junior bike route to be mindful of, it is NOT a full route description. Please check the interactive map below where these hazards are highlighted as 1-3:
Note: The Bike course is NOT held on closed roads. While there tends to be no traffic at this time of day, we have had 1-2 cars before.
The following highlights the key hazards along the Senior bike route to be mindful of, it is NOT a full route description. Please check the interactive map below where these hazards are highlighted as 1-5:
After completing the bike leg, the bike needs to be racked first before the timing chip can be handed over to the runner waiting to the left of the bike slot.
COURSE MAP (interactive)
Press play button to start
Distances: Junior Short = 1.6k (2x loops), Junior Long = 2.4k (3 loops)
The run takes in laps along the upper and lower towpath between on the riverbank behind the Xcel Leisure Complex and Walton Rowing Club.
Distances: Senior Short = 2.5k (1 lap), Senior Long = 5k (2 laps)
The run takes in 2.5k loops between Sunbury Lock and Walton Rowing Club.
Note: While we have taken every care to mark the course with pink signs, competitors are responsible for negotiating the route correctly, safely and within the rules of the road. Marshals along the course do NOT have the authority to stop traffic.
The following highlights the sections along the run route to be mindful of, it is NOT a full route description. Please check the interactive map below where these are highlighted as 1-4:
The following highlights the sections along the run route to be mindful of, it is NOT a full route description. Please check the interactive map below where these are highlighted as 1-7:
The hand over from run 1 to bike will be in the transition zone. Bike riders will need to wait to the left hand side of their racked bike. Once the timing bracelet (if applicable) has been handed over, riders can put on their helmet, fasten the straps and un-rack their bike.
Bike out
Bike in
Run out:
Please proceed through the finish arch, keeping the finish area clear for other participants to run in. Make sure you tap out (see Timing & Results section) at the timing point. To help with social distancing, please proceed to the start area nearby, which is big enough to allow you to recover from your race and cheer on family and friends on the final meters to the finish line.
intoTRI's FREE Tri Series in Walton uses an NFC based electronic timing system. Unlike fully automatic timing points that you see at major events, intoTRI's system is semi-automatic, requiring athletes to touch-in.
Athletes who purchased a starter kit will be wearing an NFC bracelet. When you get to a timing point (swim finish, start and end of bike, start of run and finish), hold the face of your timing bracelet DIRECTLY onto the circular pink sticker displayed on the timing point for approximately 1sec until you see a pop-up with your chip number on the display and hear a beep.
The start list and online check-in will be available in this section from Thursday, 14-Sep.
In order to unlock your start time, registration slot and bike rack number, please complete the steps below and SUBMIT THE FORM. Athletes without a form submission will NOT be allowed to start!
NOTE: If multiple athletes are linked to your booking, this form needs to be filled in and submitted by each athlete (or parent on their behalf if under 18y).
While participating in events organised by intoTRI, social distancing must be practiced and face coverings worn in all indoor settings to reduce the risks of exposure to COVID-19. Because COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, intoTRI has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, intoTRI cannot guarantee that its participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance will not become infected with COVID-19.
In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, individuals who fall within any of the categories below should not engage in intoTRI events. By attending an intoTRI event, you certify that you do not fall into any of the following categories:
Participants and volunteers agree to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (symptoms typically include fever, cough, and shortness of breath) and, contact intoTRI at intotri.team@gmail.com if he/she experiences symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days after participating or volunteering with intoTRI.