Our membership community is a vital part of our operation as a nonprofit. From time to time we will invite our members to get involved with goings-on at the farm, like naming a new animal or picking a paint colour for an outbuilding. We will put out calls for volunteers for projects like building garden boxes and helping us with the harvest, so becoming a member could also get you a belly full of berries! Membership opportunities are open to any community members, age 16+, who are looking for a way to get involved in creating a community space that is equity focused and accessible to all.
Best of all, membership is free! Your input and involvement is a key part of serving our community, and without our members we wouldn't be able to continually grow and adapt our programming to meet the needs of our community.
By registering as a member you are consenting to receive communications from WEFS about your membership and agreeing to abide by the Society’s Code of Conduct. The Board approves all membership applications. If you meet the requirements you will be approved. If you do not meet them, we will let you know why, and you may appeal the decision.