Digital User Acceptance Policy: Student Contract
1. The aim and purpose of our digital connection is educational. The school network and internet is there to support classwork and research.
2. Access to the school network and internet is a privilege and continued use depends on respect for the rules of the school and care of the equipment. This applies to your own device when used on the school site.
3. All individual users are responsible for legal, financial and other obligations resulting from their use of the Internet.
4. Users at all times will identify themselves and not misrepresent themselves.
5. Users will at all times respect the privacy and copyright of others. This means that the work of others must be fully acknowledged; files belonging to other users may be copied only with their permission; users may read their own mail only; passwords and personal details must not be disclosed.
6. Email messages must be courteous and respect the privacy and dignity of others. No spam emails.
7. Users may not access or distribute material that may be offensive to members of the school community.
8. The school may at any time terminate or suspend or limit Internet access.
9. Pukekohe High School reserves the right to review and modify the policy at any time.