Integrity Check
Are the following statements true? If not, what you will you do to address it?
Yes! We Have Integrity!
No. We Need to Work on This
GENERAL ADMINISTRATION AND OPEN HOURS: The business or organization has outlined its hours of operation, formal name, phone number, email address, website address and internal communications policies; Open or available hours take into account the needs, work hours and transportation options of the intended customers or clients, as well as the work-life balance needs and the capacity or availability of internal team members (including you!).
JOB DESCRIPTIONS: The business or organization has outlined a complete or introductory human resources plan with job descriptions for each position.
PAY SCALE: Pay ranges are commensurate with experience, education, work-life balance and a living wage. Job descriptions always include a salary or range, and do not utilize “to be discussed upon interview” tactics.
PAID TIME OFF: Human resources staffing structure and policies (when developed) take into account the latest research in work-life balance and healthy living. Specifically, the organization makes use of reason-free PTO and flex-time policies. At minimum, PTO policies include the equivalent of 3-4 weeks PTO per year for all employees, including full time and part time; Policies are also clear and upfront about accrual and “cash out” or “use it lose it” guidelines.
SPECTRUM-BASED VIEW OF HUMANITY IN HIRING: Hiring and employment practices – including internal promotions – utilize a spectrum-based lens, and emphasize retention and continuous personal and professional growth; Outreach efforts for recruitment intentionally consider opportunities to reach people who might not otherwise be engaged with “general audience” advertising.
NONDISCRIMINATION POLICY: At minimum, the organization does not discriminate against any person based on their color, creed, national origin, cultural traditions, immigration status, ex-offender status when the offense is unrelated to the roles or responsibilities of the position, religion, physical or mental ability, political party or affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, familial status, or age, or any reason not directly related to the mission, vision, core beliefs, guiding principles and values of the organization, or the skills and qualifications necessary to fulfill the role or position.
ACCESSIBILITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION MEASURES: The business or organization sets accessibility, inclusion and diversity goals that include at minimum: 100% of employees, volunteers and team members feel their ideas, experiences and contributions are valued; 100% of employees, volunteers and team members feel they are treated with dignity and respect, and fairly, equally and equitably; and the internal team is reflective of the diversity of humanity, particularly in the service region.
BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES: Budgeting processes are transparent and easily understood by all internal team members. Financial and accounting policies are in place; At least two people have oversight over the banking account.
KEY STATE AND FEDERAL FILINGS: The EIN, state filing, as well as all state, federal or local licenses and 501(c)3 application (if applicable) are in place.
FUNDRAISING/REVENUE PLAN: The business or organization has a fundraising, development or revenue plan that is aligned with the mission, vision, core beliefs, guiding principles and values of the organization, as well as the budget goals.
SPECTRUM-BASED VIEW OF HUMANITY IN MARKETING AND OUTREACH PLAN: The business or organization has a marketing and outreach plan, including a logo, tagline, website address and general outreach strategy; Marketing and outreach efforts intentionally reflect and represent human diversity.
MEDIA & PRESS POLICY: The organization has a Media/Press policy and designated spokesperson.
Module Review
Knowledge Check In
The six (6) main components of Operations & Administration include: __________, human resources, __________, fundraising, revenue and development, _________, and media & press.
What are some considerations that should be made when determining your hours of operation?
What are some performance measure goals related to human resources using the spectrum-based lens?
True or false? All team members should be treated with basic dignity and respect.
A logo should look good in color as well as in _____ and ______.
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