Louisiana Models of Excellence
The Louisiana Department of Education recognizes and celebrates some of the state’s most exceptional schools through the Louisiana Model Schools initiative. This initiative provides an opportunity to acknowledge, honor, and shine the spotlight on schools/school systems that are exemplar models for implementing Louisiana's educational priorities leading to success. These schools/school systems ensure that Louisiana students achieve high expectations and are on track to a college degree or professional career. Their commitment to student success exemplifies Louisiana’s education profession.
Submitting Nominations
Please complete and submit this nomination form to recognize a school or school system for exemplary work in one of Louisiana's areas with a spotlight on a particular area of focus and initiative. This portal will remain open. However, nominations will need to be submitted by February 3, 2025 in order to be considered for the 2024-2025 school year.
Section 1
Nominator Information
Please indicate if you are with a school system or a program lead with the Louisiana Department of Education.
Please Select
School System
LDOE Program Lead
If you are a program lead, please indicate the name of your office.
Please Select
Career and College Readiness
School Choice
Financial Support
Legislative, Policy and Workforce
Operational Support
School System Relations
Teaching and Learning
Early Childhood Care and Education
If you selected "Other", please specify.
Division name (if applicable)
Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your work email
Your work phone number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Section Two
Nominee Information
Are you nominating a school or a school system?
Please Select
School System
School name
School system name
What is the grade configuration of the school?
Please Select
If you selected other, please specify grade configuration of the school.
Which grade-level(s) are you highlighting through this nomination? Example: The grade configuration of the school is PreK-5. The highlighted initiative involves PreK-2. Respond by answering "PreK-2."
Section Three
The Priority and the Initiative
For which priority area is the school or school system being recognized?
Please Select
Early childhood leading to kindergarten readiness
Literacy instruction aligned to the Science of Reading
Math instruction from foundational to advanced skills
Opportunities ensuring a meaningful high school experience
An effective teacher for every student
Expand educational choice for students and families
For which area(s) of focus is the school or school system being recognized?
Please Select
ACT scores
Associate's degrees
Cohort tracking
Community Service Diploma Endorsement
Dual enrollment
FAFSA completion
High-demand apprenticeships
Individualized Graduation Plans
Access to high-quality early childhood education
Mental and behavioral health
Proven, evidence-based strategies for diverse learners
School choice for students and families
Supports and services for English Learners
1:1 device to student ratio
Academic standards
Accelerated learning recovery
Aligned instructional materials and resources
Arts and humanities
Assessments to inform instruction
Comprehensive, equitable accountability system
Healthy child development and play
Aspiring leader development
Elevate teacher voice
Improve educator compensation
Intentional partnerships with teacher preparation providers
Job-embedded collaboration and professional development
New teacher induction
Observation, feedback, and coaching cycles
Pre-educator pathways
School-based Instructional Leadership Teams
Teacher Leader opportunities
Communication and guidance for family engagement and support
COVID-19 guidance and support
Differentiated and targeted school improvement assistance
Early childhood Ready Start Networks
Establish Insight Groups
Equity guidance, tools, and resources
Highlight "Models of Excellence"
Priorities-based pandemic relief funding management and support
Strategic planning resource allocation, and alignment to critical goals
Universal connectivity for all students
If you selected "other", please specify.
Create a short statement that could be used as a headline to draw attention to this school or school system, spark curiosity, and encourage others to want to learn more about the highlighted initiative. Example: "An Elementary School Takes a Systemic Approach to Address Literacy"
Provide a brief overview of the school’s or school system's initiative.
What prompted the school's or school system's leadership to implement this initiative?
How does research support what the school or school system is doing around this initiative?
What makes this school or school system a model of excellence for this initiative? Please include evidence of the impact using quantitative and/or qualitative evidence.
List the 3 most impactful reasons you are nominating this school/school system as an exemplary program using quantitative and/or qualitative evidence.
List 2 to 3 data points or other evidence that demonstrates high performance/rapid improvement as a result of the initiative you are highlighting. (Data can include teacher observations, high-stakes testing, School Performance Scores, stakeholder surveys, etc.)
Is there anything else you would like to share regarding the program/initiative?
Please let us know if you have any special requests for when in the year you would like to highlight your program/initiative. (For example, two months prior to launching an initiative or releasing a report.)
Has your superintendent or CEO approved this nomination?
Please Select
Should be Empty: