Please do no submit PDP & Fur Ewa Cat Rescue adoption applications at multiple PetSmart locations.
Only one application is required and will be kept on file.
Adoption Contract By initialing the following items and and signing below I agree that: I will NOT surrender or rehome this cat. I will contact PDP and return the cat to the PetSmart store where the cat was adopted at. I will not declaw this cat an inhumane and unnecessary amputation procedure that causes long-term irreversible pain and suffering and increases veterinary costs.
I am 21 years of age or older and I am able to provide proof upon request. If I have omitted or provided misleading or inaccurate information, my application will be denied and any adoption rescinded.
A $25 administrative fee applies for all returned cats up to two weeks after adoption. Returned cats will not be refunded after the two week period.
Unsterilized pets: In the event that I adopt an unsterilized pet, I understand that I am required to take the pet to its scheduled appointment and the adoption is not finalized until the pet has been sterilized. I also understand that I will be required to return the pet to Poi Dogs & Popoki if I do not take the pet to its sterilization appointment.
I grant permission to Poi Dogs & Popoki to use photographs and/or video of me in newsletters, online, and in other communications related to the mission of Poi Dogs & Popoki.