CCCA Regional Minister Search
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding the priorities for this Region and in the selection process for the next Regional Minister for the Capital Area. We value your input and will use this data to inform our steps going forward. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us at or any member of the search committee.
First Name
Last Name
Name of Church
Demographics Information (Check all that apply)
Ordained Clergy
Retired Clergy
Commissioned Minister
CCCA Commission/Board Member
Under Care
Youth/Young Adult
Lay Member
Community of Color
Age Demo
Please Select
Under 30
Over 70
Prefer not to answer
Have you watched the State of the Region? (available below)
What is the greatest joy/concern you have about the state of our Region?
What is the greatest need in your Church?
How can the Region better support you or your Church?
What can you or your church do to better support the Region?
What, in your opinion, are the two or three most urgent priorities for the Region that the next Regional Minister must address?
What are your additional hopes and dreams for the Region for the next 5 years?
What are the strengths and special gifts of this Region that can serve as building blocks as it addresses the urgent priorities and five-year hopes and dreams that have been named?
What realities of the Region can you name that could be obstacles to the Region as it sets its sights on the urgent priorities and five year hope and dreams that have been named?
What gifts, experience, and commitments do you believe that the next Regional Minister needs to possess in order to be effective in leading the Region toward health and vibrancy?
What additional information would you like to share with the search committee as it develops the Regional Profile and has conversations with candidates?
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