Terms & Conditions: Our Agency is not just about finding you a great deal but its about creating you a memorable travel experience that leaves you satisfied, but also eager to travel more. I take pride in my work and the happiness and satisfaction of my travelers is of the utmost importance to me.
Please be sure to verify all confirmations for accuracy upon receipt. Notify us immediately of any discrepancies. Change fees may apply.**
Passengers are responsible for verifying all country entry requirements prior to departure.
You may wish to double-check these requirements by contacting your local Embassy, Consulate, www.travel.state.gov or http://www.cibt.com/.
All individual airfare prices and availability are guaranteed at time of purchase only.
We strongly encourage reconfirmation with the airline of all flights 72 hours before departure - especially if originating outside of the United States.
All inquiries whether for itineraries, changes or cancellations not submitted in print are at the passenger's own risk."
Please inspect all ticket documents within 24 hours of receipt. If there are any errors they usually can be corrected within that time frame without additional charge.
This is the ticket-holder's sole resposnibility.
By accepting this confirmation, you agree that
Regal Travel By Design has no responsibility for any acts or omissions of the travel suppliers in your itinerary or any other party not under Regal Travel By Design's control.
Regal Travel By Design has no special knowledge regarding the financial condition of the suppliers, unsafe conditions, health hazards or weather hazards at locations to which you may travel.
For information about destination risks and foreign country entry requirements, consult the travel warnings section of the U.S. State Department at
www.travel.state.gov. For health information, consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov/travel. You are responsible for checking passport, visa, vaccination
or other entry requirments of your destination.
Humanitarian - NGO/Non-Profit Eligibility:
Passengers must be able to provide at any time of their journey non-profit identification id/or original certificate of membership of an NGO or original letter of mission on letterhead of the not for profit.
Passenger traveling with this fare must be compliant with the eligibility and must be able to produce one of the documents previously specified at any time upon request. If not, a fare adjustment will be applied.
Eligibility produced after the fact will not be accepted.
Family members/children less than 12 years of age or less than 18 years of age, if dependents, traveling with members/employees must provide a family registration book or any other official documentation.
Please note, a valid passport is now required for all travel outside the U.S.
A 'valid' passport is defined as one that expires more than 6 (six) months from the date of a passenger's return.