Hemon Media Onboarding Part 1 (History)
Please set aside 45 minutes to 1 hour for fill out onboarding forms 1 & 2. This is the beginning of our partnership so please be as thorough as you can in your answers. We have strategically designed them to provide our team with the necessary information to complete our market research and launch as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Company Name
Your Full Name & Position In The Company
Full Name
Your Email
Full Postal Address
Sometimes we like to send you good things
Direct Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Timezone
Useful when we schedule meetings
Your Product(s) or Service(s)
In this section, we'll get to know about what you sell, what makes it unique, and extra insights you've found along your business journey.
What Type Of Business Do You Have?
E-Commerce / Physical Products
High Ticket / Digital Products
Please Paste Your Main Website URL Link.
Your Main Product/Service You Sell
Please provide a brief description of what you sell
What Are Your Hero / Best Selling Product(s) Or Service(s)?
Please list the top 1-3 specific products that has historical success accompanied with a brief description.
What Is The Backend Cost Of Your Program(s)?
If multiple, please include the name of the program and associated cost(s) for a consumer to purchase.
What Is The Main Landing Page URL We Will Be Driving Traffic To?
Please list the top 1-3 specific products that has historical success accompanied with their specific URL Product Page.
Please Provide ALL Additional Funnel URLs A Prospect Will Go Through Before A Transaction Occurs.
Examples Below... VSL / Checkout Page: Calendar Booking Page: Confirmation Page: **If you have separate funnels for each ad platform/channel, please include that as well.
Please list the top 1-3 specific products that has historical success accompanied with their specific URL Product Page.
Please Describe What Your Current Sales Process Looks Like.
Sales Team Processes, Systems In Place To Nurture, etc.
Over the Last 60 Days, What Has Been Your Conversion Rate(s) For Your Funnel / Offer?
Landing Page Conversion Rate (Opt In): Lead To Booked Call / Application CR (VSL Efficiency): Show Up Rate: Closer Percentage: Current VSL Engagement Rate (If Applicable): Average Lead > Call Timeframe: Average Lead > Close Timeframe:
What Website URL Have You Had The Most Success Pushing To In The Past?
Product Display Page (PDP
Collection Pages
Home Page Of Website
Please Enter That URL Below
Please Paste The Key Metrics We Request Below:
Average Shipping Cost Per Order: Average Fulfillment Cost Per Order (Labor): Average Cost Of Goods Sold Per Unit: Average "Landed" Cost Per Unit: Average Order Value (AOV) Over Last 60 Days: Current Lifetime Value (LTV) Of A Customer: Current Percent Of Overall Revenue That Is Driven By Email Efforts: Average Gross Profit Per Unit: Average Net Profit Per Unit: Fixed Monthly Expenses (Includes Overhead):
This will help us understand key metrics in your company and help us make better decisions in regards to paid advertising.
What Main Problem Does Your Product(s) Or Service(s) Solve For Your Customers?
Why do consumers purchase from you and what is the expected outcome they get with your product(s) or service(s)?
What Makes Your Product(s) Or Service(s) Unique & Different From Other Competitors?
Please provide a detailed description for EACH Best Selling product(s) or service(s). This will help us tremendously when creating new copy + creative for the ads.
Who Are Your Main Competitors?
(Provide URLs if possible, e.g. Website, Landing Page, Facebook Group/Page, Instagram Page, etc.)
What Influencers, Youtube Channel(s), Website(s), Or Keyword(s) May Be The Most Relevant To Your Brand For Us to Review In Our Discovery Process?
Please List Any Additional Context That May Help Us Define Your Customer
If You Could Describe Your Perfect Customer, Who Are They?
Age, Gender, Location, Hobbies, Past Experiences, Awareness Level, What They Do Day-To-Day, Etc.
What Are Your Best, Most Profitable Customer Demographics? (Please Select All Checkboxes That Apply To Your Most Profitable Customer)
Gender: Male
Gender: Female
Age: 18-24
Age: 25-34
Age: 35-44
Age: 45-54
Age: 55-64
Age: 65+
Any Other Demographic Info?
Advertising Logistics, Minimums, & Goals
In this section, we'll confirm a number of items we need in order to have full clarity when making suggestions as it relates to paid advertising.
What Is The Primary Conversion Goal We Should Be Making Our Scaling Decisions From?
Purchase (CPA)
Leads (CPL)
Booked Call/Application Cost
Cost Per Acquired Customer (CAC)
What Total Daily Budget Would You Like Us To Start At? -- (If Open To Discussion, Put "Will Discuss")
If you'd like to discuss this with us, put "Will Discuss"
What Are Your Immediate Spend And Revenue Targets You Would Like Us To Work Towards ASAP? (This Might Vary From Your Long Term Goals)
This might vary from your long term goals.
Being Aware Of Cashflow, Is Their A Minimum Amount Of Revenue The Business Needs To Sustain Monthly Expenses? (The Current Break Even Point Of Your Business -- In Other Words, What Is The Break Even ROAS Of Your Business We Should Be Aware Of?)
Over The Next 6 Months, What Goals Would You Like To Be Hitting For Your Brand?
Longer term goals.
Are You Open To Creating New Customer Discounts / Offers To Increase Conversions?
If Yes, please provide the maximum discount you would be open to testing, If no...put NO
Traffic, Tracking, & Targeting
In this section, we'll go over tracking + audiences we should take note of.
Are There Any URL's On Your Current Website We Should NOT Send Traffic To?
If Yes, please include those URLs above
Which Countries Do You Want Traffic Coming From?
United States ONLY
Big 5 (United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
Are There Any Other UTM Parameters We Should Take Note Of To Include In New Ads?
I don't know what a UTM is!
If Yes, please include it in the 'other' section.
Regarding iOS14 Changes, Do You Have Your Domain Verified And Aggregated Event Measured Set Up Inside of Facebook's Business Manager?
No / I don't know what this means
Maybe, not completely sure
Yes, this is done
Yes, all is set up including Conversion API
For More Information Regarding Facebook's Solutions To iOS14 Changes In Regards To Paid Ads And How to Set Up Domain Verification, Aggregated Event Measurement, etc. Visit https://thehemongroup.com/onboarding/resources/
Ad Account History
What Has Been Your Biggest Struggle In Paid Advertising Over The Last 30-90 Days?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
What Have You Tested/Launched/Implemented Recently To Solve That?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
What Has Been Your Average Campaign Performance Over The Last 90 Days? -- (Please include average CPA, ROAS, CPL, etc. for us to establish a baseline to improve upon when we get started.)
Please provide as much detail as possible.
Anything Else We Should Know From A Media Buying Perspective? -- (Ex. Any Big Insights To Take Away From Historical Data On What's Worked And What Hasn't?)
Have Any Facebook Ad Accounts Ever Been Banned Or Suspended For This Product/Service And Were You Able To Successfully Recover The Ad Account?
Please provide as much detail as possible. If No, put NO.
How Frequently Do Your Ads Get Rejected / Disapproved? -- What Is The Reasoning?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
Are There Any Legal / Regulatory / Factual Stipulations We Need To Know When Creating New Ads And Running Your Ad Campaigns?
Please provide as much detail as possible and provide any resource links we should use when creating new assets for your brand. If None, put NONE.
Is There Anything Else We Should Know About Your Brand / Advertising That Will Help Us Get Moving In The Right Direction, Faster?
Communication is a big focus across our team here at BAD Marketing and also with our partners. We commit to providing weekly reports and regular loom updates so that you never feel that you are in the dark with our operations. In return we ask for clarity on the level of communication that we can expect from you as a partner.
Our team uses Slack as our primary source of communication and we create a Slack channel that we will invite your team to as well. Please provide the emails for everyone that should be invited into your dedicated Slack channel.
Our team uses Slack as our primary source of communication and we create a Slack channel that we will invite your team to as well. Does Slack work for you as the main channel of communication?
No, Email Will Be Better
If Other, please explain the best way for our team to communicate with you:
We find that our most successful partners communicate at least 3 times per week. How often can we rely on your team to provide communication when our team reaches out with questions?
Same Business Day
Within 1-2 Business Days
Within 3-5 Business Days
If Other, please explain the best way for our team to communicate with you:
How would you prefer to receive weekly updates?
Loom Video From Team Walking Through The Ad Account & Plan Of Action
PDF With Data, Insights & Plan Of Action For The Next 7 Days
If Other, please explain the best way for our team to share weekly updates with you:
Should be Empty: