I understand that this application will be given every consideration, but its receipt does not imply that the applicant will be employed. I understand that an investigative consumer report may be made whereby information is obtained through personal interviews with neighbors, friends and others with whom I am acquainted. This investigation includes information as to my character, general reputation, person characteristics and mode of living. I understand that I have the right to make a written request within a reasonable period of time to receive additional, detailed information about the nature and scope of this investigative consumer report. I give my permission to the company to contact any of my former employers or references shown below to verify the information I have given and to release all record of my employment, including assessments of my job performance, ability and fitness. I give my permission to the company to obtain from any law enforcement agency my criminal record if any such record exists. I understand that the company may require a criminal history release. I hereby state that the information given by me in this application is true in all respects, and I agree that if I am Employed and the information to be false in any respect that I am dismissed. Should I be employed I understand that such employment will be on a trial period for ninety working days from the date of hiring. I further understand that my employment will not result in an employment contract for any specific term.