Building Assets Afterschool Program
Wings for L.I.F.E. and your children's school would like to invite your children to participate in the Building Assets Afterschool Program. The program is held one afternoon per week after school. See next page for details on days, start and ending times for programs at specific schools. The Building Assets program strives to provide children with the knowledge and skills they need to be as successful, healthy, and responsible as possible during their childhoods. Students will be able to meet, make new friends and have FUN. Each lesson addresses a different topic.
Examples of lesson topics include:
Handling Bully Situations
Future Goals
Resisting Negative Peer Pressure
Importance of School and Good Study Habits
Each lesson in the program is based on SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Research has shown that "SEL" helps children to be more successful, helps them to be less likely to make harmful choices, and provides them with valuable social and emotional learning skills that give young people the power to make positive choices so they can be more successful.
If you are interested in having your children participate:
1. Fill out the attached forms completely. Incomplete forms may not be considered.
Note: If your child hands this form to his/her teacher, this may delay the form getting passed down to the office. Please tell your child to give the form to the secretary/office in order to make sure it is counted as quickly as possible.
Please note that space in the program is limited! Priority will be given to children for whom we have forms that are complete and turned in. Children who were enrolled in our program last year will also have priority.
IMPORTANT: After you turn in this form, we will contact you by phone to let you know whether your children have been enrolled in our program or placed on the waiting list. If your children have been enrolled, we will also let you know the date on which the program will begin at your school (and which Class they are in, A or B, for schools at which 2 programs run. Please make sure you list a phone number where you can be reached. If we leave a message for you and do not hear from you within 24 hours, your children may be automatically placed on the waiting list. If your children are placed on the waiting list, we will call you if space becomes available later.
Wings for L.I.F.E. Building Assets Permission Form